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Ohris Restaurants

About Ohris Restaurants

Established in 1981,the Ohri’s group has been a pioneer in the hospitality scenario since its inception. Through constant innovation and consistent growth, Ohri’s today is among the fastest growing restaurant chains in South India. Ohri’s has established itself as a leader in theme based dining. Establishing the first multiplex of restaurants in the city it has already won many professional laurels and most importantly the praise and loyalty of its customers. As Ohri’s readies itself for its next evolutionary step of expanding into new areas and markets, it has already laid the foundation to become the ultimate dining experience for the country. The success of any food outlet can be simply acknowledged by its longevity. The Ohri’s group has been delivering standardized quality food for over three decades. We have learned and refined our cooking techniques to offer delicious food every single time. In terms of food variety and quality there is no better choice than Ohri’s today.


North Indian Food, Soft Beverages, Desserts, Multi Cuisine

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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for Ohris Restaurants may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the Ohris Restaurants regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.