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Hotel Golf Link, Naldehra, Shimla

About Hotel Golf Link

Located on the Shimla - Naldehra Road, the hotel lies just a kilometre short of the peaceful and picturesque Naldehra, which is 23 kilometres away from Shimla. The Naldehra Golf Course is within walking distance from the hotel. A two storey structure, Hotel Golf Links stands one kilometre short of the Naldehra Golf Course on the Shimla - Naldehra Road. It comprises four floors with two floors above surface level and two below the level of the road. Steps leading upto the reception and lobby are lined by potted plants while the interiors are elegantly designed with beige sofas and a wooden reception counter.

Located in Naldehra, Shimla , Hotel Golf Link is a trustworthy hotel. Make Hotel Golf Link your convenient option to stay whenver you plan your holidays in All India and enjoy amicable services like Accommodation, Dinning, Entertainment. Reviewed 43 time(s), the hotel has received an average rating of 4.1.


Accommodation, Dinning, Entertainment

Known for

Hotel Golf Link Location in All India

Naldehra, Shimla :Naldehra , Shimla , Himachal Pradesh - 171007

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Hotel Golf Link Reviews

Hotel Golf Link
27 May 2013

Hotel Golf Links is one of the best and famous for its service and nice hospitality among the travelers. It is the nice one option to relax with lots of fun during holiday trip with family. Staffs are serves us better with great smile.

Hotel Golf Link
27 May 2013

Hotel Golf Links's services is very nice and impressive to us. I wants to thanks to the staffs of the hotel whose service is brilliant. Rooms are very clean and spacious. Its location is very nice and pleasant.

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Naldehra, Shimla




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Disclaimer Note:- Rate-Card (including prices) for Hotel Golf Link Naldehra, Shimla may have changed since the last time the website was updated. does not guarantee the prices mentioned above. Any decision taken by the Hotel Golf Link Naldehra, Shimla regarding the price of its services is final. Images are for representation purpose only. Applicable taxes extra.